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Cari Blog Ini

Author Description

Conn Smythe Trophy Rewarding The Most Valuable Player In The Stanley Cup Playoffs


Conn Smythe Trophy: Rewarding the Most Valuable Player in the Stanley Cup Playoffs


The Conn Smythe Trophy is awarded annually to the most valuable player (MVP) of the National Hockey League (NHL) during the Stanley Cup Playoffs. The trophy is named after Conn Smythe, the founder and long-time general manager of the Toronto Maple Leafs.

Eligibility and Selection

To be eligible for the Conn Smythe Trophy, a player must be a member of the team that wins the Stanley Cup. The winner is selected by a vote of the Professional Hockey Writers' Association (PHWA).

Notable Winners

Some of the most notable players to win the Conn Smythe Trophy include:

Mario Lemieux (1991, 1992)

Wayne Gretzky (1985, 1988)

Patrick Roy (1986, 1993)

Sidney Crosby (2009, 2016)

In 2023, Connor McDavid became the latest player to win the Conn Smythe Trophy, leading the Edmonton Oilers to the Stanley Cup Final despite ultimately losing to the Colorado Avalanche.

Criteria for Selection

The PHWA considers several factors when selecting the Conn Smythe Trophy winner, including:

  • Individual performance during the playoffs
  • Impact on the team's success
  • Leadership and intangibles


The Conn Smythe Trophy is one of the most prestigious awards in hockey. It recognizes the exceptional contributions of players who lead their teams to championship glory. The list of winners includes some of the greatest players in NHL history, and it continues to be a highly coveted honor for players and fans alike.

